Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Letter

I was looking for a photo to display on the new, annoying Facebook Timeline layout (which, sadly, I was forced to adopt today) and came across this old photo from the summer of 2008.  I sent this letter to Derek, along with a handful of souvenirs purchased on my Constitutional walking tour, telling him there were so many things I wanted to do with him in Philly and that I was looking forward to his visit in the coming winter.

This is a typical "format" of my letters to him. I liked my words surrounded by or juxtaposed with pictures. It's like telling him and showing him what I saw at the same time. I don't know, maybe I just want it to be a vivid description. Anyway, this writing "tradition" between Derek and me traces back to the year 2007 when he was doing his military service (though I did perform some random picture notes for him long before 2007).  We wrote to each other on a daily basis (snail mails!), sharing things happening around us respectively. And at home we each own a small box storing those letters of memories.

I was saddened to realize that I might not be able to see my letters again and that my "masterpieces" might one day be discarded as trash.... Well, well, at least, I still have this one picture.  

The Moral:
Always remember to photograph and document your masterpieces.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Do it NOW.

I think it's time I began blogging again.
And the reasons are:
1) I need a place to record and then remind myself of those wonderful things happening around me;
2) I need to practice writing and thinking in English.

So, for this blog entry, I'll talk about a great job I've done recently. Ha!

The story began on February 1st, when I saw this picture on my colleague's facebook wall.

The student teacher she supervised created a rubber stamp of her portrait for her as a gift. I've always wanted to try making a rubber stamp myself and I finally did! Ladies and gentlemen, this is my very first handmade rubber stamp!

It's me and JuJu! (I know, I'm incredible! Can't believe I am just a beginner.) Since the first try was a big success, I soon embarked on the second try. I then made a stamp of my name, and together with this first one, they perfectly became my very unique book stamp!

I was so happy and proud of myself ! Just then, I couldn't help but think to myself:
This is the old me! I was so interested in doing some little art works; drawing, making cards, and things like these. What made me stop doing it? My busy job? My age?
I realized that there is a certain kind of passion missing in my life. I've lost the passion to make fun for my life. And that is really sad.
But, to think of it positively, at least now I noticed the problem, my problem. If I hadn't followed my urge to give this rubber stamp thing a try and gone to the bookstore immediately to buy the materials, this realization would never have come to me. Chances are I would still stick to the boring, non-creative, no-fun me for the rest of my life. (Sounds scary!)

When I woke up the next morning, I decided to make a stamp for Vivi too. I worried that I couldn't do a good comic portrait of her. But it turned out OK.

And now I'm working on another stamp for myself.
Am I addicted to it? Well, that doesn't sound good.
So after this one is done, I'll stop for now and focus on my study. But whenever I feel stressful, I know there's something fun and artistic that I can do to relax myself and remind myself of how good I can be.

The Moral:
If you want to do something, DO IT NOW.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

What Pets Can Teach Us About Marriage

An article from the New York Times shared with me by Vivi.
Sometimes looking at your other half with a different lense might help ease a tense relationship.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

French Aging.

The fact that I want to bookmark this article on the New York Times and tag it as "useful" sort of scared me.
Aging Gracefully, the French Way

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Demi the Farmer.

Over the summer I've been working in the farming industry. The story all began with a Magnolia Tree that my sister wanted desperately. In case the image of a magnolia tree didn't flash through your mind, here is what it looks like: