Wednesday, August 18, 2010

French Aging.

The fact that I want to bookmark this article on the New York Times and tag it as "useful" sort of scared me.
Aging Gracefully, the French Way

From left to right: Catherine Deneuve (66 years old), Segolene Royal (56 years old) and an ordinary elderly French woman on the street. They are pretty, aren't they?
Sometimes I find it important for a teacher to stay young (at least, spiritually) because as teachers become older, they have younger and younger students. Honestly, it does make me feel so old whenever I realize how young my students are. But I also believe that being a bit stylish with time is one way to help a person look younger. In the article the writer describes an olderly French woman she often sees in her neighborhood:
"She clearly loves herself. And she makes me think that in France, women might forget everything else as they age--but never their sense of style."
I buy it. So I'm going to practice these 10 Ways to Age Like a French Woman
from now on??

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